New Arrival: SEXTAGRAM: A Zine by Soko
Posted on 17 juillet 2016
"There is something about Soko that transcends all other pop stars. Perhaps its the fact that she's honest – maybe too honest – that people (namely fans) feel like they can open up to her. Over the years, her Instagram has become a diary for all to see. And her fans are there, all along the way. Offering everything from hugs to sexual favors. In SEXTAGRAM, a zine collab between Autre Magazine and Soko, we explore some of the private DMs that flood her Instagram inbox. In her words, some of the nudes and kinky messages are "just gross, sometimes romantic, sometimes cute, hilarious, very forward, super sexy, creative, and extremely ballsy." In this zine, we present some of her favorite DMs thus far. " - Autre Magazine
Soko makes zine out of her nude Instagram DMs ----- read here via DAZED
Soko On Modern Love and What Goes Down In the DM ----- read here via W Mazagine